
主に空手についての考え方、練習、鍛錬などといったことや、筋トレについてなど書いていこうと思いますm(_ _)m押忍!

English language

【Karate】 How to use Heian two(Heian NIDAN)-tiered 【Usage of Shape】 Consideration on how to use the original shape ① [With explanation movies]

※ This blog is a translated karate blog I wrote using the Google translation function. Hello, good evening (`· ω · ') No pressed! In case This time is the introduction of the technique of Karate by my videos, continuing from last time. Thi…

Karate 【Shape · Progressive! 】 For beginners [Elementary school high school year] ① 【How much do you want to be strong, starting karate? ! 】 Child, balance of parents' feelings etc.

※ This article translated my blog post into English using Google translation. Hello Good evening, Good evening. In case For this time, I would like to write about "karate" (for beginners) in Karatedo. * It will be the story of Karate of al…

Think about the effectiveness in Karate 【Weight training (strength training)】 and 【All sky interlinking (Kinds of rules)】 Karate

※ This article translated my blog post into English using Google translation. Hello Good evening, Good evening. In case In this time, as one of the things that I felt somewhat troubles, the feeling that the conclusion did not come out perf…